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Nehuştan (veya Nehustan, ), Eski Ahit'te bir asa üzerine dolanmış pirinçten yapılmış yılanın betimlendiği kutsal bir nesnedir. Kral Hezekiya'nın ikonoklastik reformları sonucu Nehuştan isimli tunç yılan parçalandı2 Krallar 18:4; Musa metinlerinde bu isim kullanılmasa bile, "Hezekiya buna Nehuştan dedi".The distinction is made in Karen Randolph Joines, "The Bronze Serpent in the Israelite Cult The Bronze Serpent in the Israelite Cult" Journal of Biblical Literature 87.3 (September 1968:245-256) p. 245 note 1. Tevrat'taki Ruhbani kaynak, Musa'nın İsrailoğulları'ndaki yılan ısırıklarını 'ateşli yılan' ile tedavi ettiğini belirtir. Buna Nehuştan ismi verilişi Hezekiya döneminden öncesine rastlamaz."Modern exegesis holds two different opinions in regard to the meaning of the word "Nehushtan," which is explained either as denoting an image of bronze, and as entirely unconnected with the word "naḥash" (serpent), or as a lengthened form of "naḥash" (comp. νεεσθάν in the Septuagint), and thus as implying that the worship of serpents was of ancient date in Israel. The assumption that the tradition about "Nehushtan" is not older than the time of Hezekiah is, however, not contested." Jewish Encyclopedia, s.v. "Nehushtan"; H. H. Rowley, "Zadok and Nehushtan" Journal of Biblical Literature 58.2 (June 1939:113-141) p. 132 observes, "We have no record of this Brazen Serpent before this time, save for the obvious aetiological story in Num. 8 f, which states that this sacred symbol had its origin in the Mosaic age".