Radyofobi, yapay Radyasyon ve X ışınları korkusudur. Radyofobisi olan birey, radyasyona yeterince maruz kaldığında (radyasyona bağlı kanser ve akut radyasyon sendromu korkusuyla) cahillikten dolayı ve/veya travmatik deneyim sonucunda gereksiz veya mantıksız korkuya neden olmaktadır. In Malaysia, the presence of (naturally) radioactive thorium in a rare earth element processing plant led to extreme fear: "one of my friends has even stopped construction of his new house in Kuantan because he is fearful of a nuclear explosion in the Lynas plant."Note i.e. "a survey of more than 2,200 people in the United States, conducted by the National Science Foundation in 2012 [...] tests the public's knowledge of basic facts in the physical and biological sciences [...] All radioactivity is man-made. True or false? [...] False (72% [answered correctly])" and yet this was the best score of several countries surveyed: Japan 69% (2011), EU 59% (2005), China 48% (2010), South Korea 48% (2004), Russia 35% (2003), Malaysia 14% (2008). In India, locals near the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant had been told that it would cause Dengue fever.